
Taylor Wessing




Reputation & Privacy Lawyers




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Legal Advisory Services

Sports & Leisure

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Niri Shan

Spear’s Review

Niri Shan has been described as a ‘polished operator’ by a contemporary, and one can see why. He told Spear’s, ‘I try to deal with things in a low-key, collaborative way – we’re not super-aggressive in our approach. It’s my USP.’

The Taylor Wessing partner advises clients on all aspects of personal and professional privacy and reputation. He describes an instance when he resolved a particularly salacious allegation involving high-profile individuals ‘through one letter and a series of phone calls’. 

A renowned expert, Shan is a trusted custodian of the reputations and privacy of a number of high-profile high-net-worth individuals, with his dual advisory role meaning he has long-standing relationships with lawyers working for media companies.

Adviser Profile

Niri Shan heads Taylor Wessing’s Reputation Management & Privacy Protection team. Over nearly 30 years, he has advised celebrities, entrepreneurs, and high-profile families on managing their public and private life challenges, focusing on proactive measures rather than litigation. His expertise includes media scrutiny, family issues, commercial threats, harassment, blackmail, and social media matters. 

By acting for both claimants and defendants in the media industry, this gives Niri a unique position in the marketplace. Niri provides unique market insights and prioritises preventing intrusive or false stories while de-escalating conflicts to maintain his clients’ privacy and reputation.

Rank: Top Flight

Top Flight 2024, Reputation & Privacy Lawyers


Hill House, 1 Little New St, London, EC4A 3TR

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