
Brett Wilson




Reputation & Privacy Lawyers



Advice type

Legal - Reputation

Iain Wilson

Spear’s Review

Iain Wilson, one of the founding partners of Brett Wilson, is a leading practitioner of media law in England and Wales.

Specialising in limiting the damage done to his clients by unwanted, negative or intrusive publication, Wilson uses his unrivalled legal knowledge to combat defamation in the press and harassment campaigns perpetrated by individuals on social media and elsewhere.

In Westlaw Insight he wrote the chapters on the misuse of private information and anonymous defamation, and he is a frequent contributor of analytical and opinion pieces to legal journals such as LexisNexis PSL and the Law Gazette. Wilson is frequently interviewed in the media for his expertise.

Adviser Profile

Iain heads up Brett Wilson LLP’s flagship media and communications law department. His expertise is recognised across and beyond the profession. He regularly writes, or is asked to comment on, reputation law matters in the media. 

Iain’s team exclusively undertakes media law work, acting for UHNWIs/HNWIs, politicians, celebrities, corporates and professionals. Typical instructions concern the publication of defamatory or private material in the mainstream media or on social media/online. The team is frequently instructed to take legal action against trolls or stalkers. 

As disputes are often very personal and emotive, the need to advise with care, compassion and empathy is at the heart of every instruction.

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