




Legal - Commercial litigation


Kathryn Garbett

Spear's review

Kathryn Garbett is a commercial litigation lawyer at Greenberg Traurig with a very varied clientele.

She told Spear’s, ‘The type of people who come to me often have a whole raft of problems. At the heart of it is a litigation problem, which might have a criminal aspect to it in this jurisdiction or another. It might also have an employment or a family aspect. The civil claim is usually the central objective, with everything else coming out of it.’

Garbett works to find a resolution that will not just be a technical win in the case, but is the best result overall for the client’s life. She said, ‘Somewhere in the middle is a linchpin person who has an antenna for where things are going.’

Rank: Top Recommended

Top Recommended 2023, Litigation

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