


Hair Loss Treatment



Eibi Iniekio

Spear's Review

After starting to lose his hair at the age of 23, Dr Eibi Iniekio of Chiswick Hair Clinic found his field of interest in helping people either slow or reverse hair loss. He specialises in follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplants, which involve the implantation of hair follicles from other parts of the body on to one’s head. 

When it comes to his professional approach, Iniekio ‘believes in striving to be the “Gold Standard” in whatever you do and delivering this “Gold Standard” experience to each of my patients.’ 

His clients are equally as enthusiastic and describe him as ‘very experienced’ while ‘talk[ing] you through what is realistic and achievable’. 

Rank: Top Recommended

Top Recommended 2023, Hair Loss Treatment

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