
CEO—Chief Executive Officer


Philanthropy and Impact Investing



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Sector Focus

Investments and Asset Management

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John Canady

Spear’s Review

‘We always try to meet donors wherever they are in their philanthropic journey,’ says John Canady, CEO of the National Philanthropic Trust UK (NPT UK).

‘DAFs (donor-advised funds) are an increasingly popular alternative to setting up foundations,’ he notes, thanks to their convenience and flexibility. Focusing on UK and international clients based in London, NPT UK handles the compliance, due diligence and administration required to set up a DAF in just 48 hours, with relatively modest funds, says Canady. ‘Some donors want to give anonymously, which is possible with a DAF.’ 

He is very impressed by his client base, who are ‘passionate about finding ways to make the world a better place. We need that right now’.

Rank: Top Recommended

Top Recommended 2023, Philanthropy and Impact Investing

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