
Charles Ede




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Charis Tyndall

Spear's Review

Charis Tyndall began working at ancient art and antiquities gallery, Charles Ede, while studying at the University of Warwick. After graduating with her Master’s in the Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Rome, she quickly rose up the ranks at Charles Ede from intern to director. 

Her passion for ancient art and antiquities began when she developed a fascination with mythology and consequently, the early origins of art and sculptural forms. She now carries her passion over into the commercial side of art and deals with matters relating to sale and purchase, research, and establishing provenance. 

Tyndall advocates for improving transparency and ethics in the art industry. She has previously said: ‘it’s important that we keep reassessing how we’re treating these objects and what questions we’re asking of them.’ 

Rank: Top Recommended

Top Recommended 2023, Art Advisers

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